LightHouse DC helps individuals and families transitioning from homelessness in our community move and furnish their new homes. LightHouse is the only nonprofit in the DC metro area that consistently offers these critical services. We believe an unfurnished living room, empty bedroom, or bare kitchen are more like a shelter than a home.
We Need Your Support
Remember, you are the LIGHT. This work wouldn't be possible without caring volunteers like you! |
LightHouse is powered by grassroots fundraising. It's never been easier: identify a family, join or start a campaign. Creativity knows no limit! |
Help make a difference in your community with your team or organization by becoming a "Welcome Home" Sponsor. |
Our Progress
Individuals served through Home Furnishing Program
Individuals served through COVID Relief Program
As of 2020, 9763 DC residents were without beds at night.
Over 13,000 families were housing insecure.
Our Solution
A stable home is a foundation for life. Yet a critical gap exists for so many in moving and furnishing their homes. LightHouse specializes in transportation, logistics, and furnishing, with a human touch. We partner with fellow nonprofits and local government to ensure every child and person has a stable home.
Our Impact
One family at a time, we help residents in our community transform their empty houses into homes - striving to restore dignity, create stability, and make sure every person has a chance to enjoy a life free of poverty.
The Avascent Group
Welcome Home, Ms. Webb! |
National Presbyterian Church
Welcome Home, Ms. Braddocks! |
Sibley Memorial Hospital
Welcome Home, Ms. Davis! |